Loots, Johannes

Very rare battle plan of the 1704 Capture of Gibraltar.


De Baay en Stad van Gibralter


Very rare first edition broadsheet chart / view of the Capture of Gibraltar in 1704 by Dutch cartographer Johannes Loots (w. 1693-1726). On 4th August 1704, during the war of the Spanish Succession, an Anglo-Dutch fleet under the command of Admiral George Rooke seized Gibraltar from the Spanish. From dawn on that day and for the next five hours, some 15,000 canons were fired from the fleet into the city. The English majority captors, landed the same morning and not surprisingly encountered little opposition.

Antique Map Price Record has no record of a sale of this chart by Johannes Loots. Charts by Loots are very scarce; only 11 charts by Loots are recorded in the Antique Map Price Record covering 210,000 map and chart sales in the last 35 years. Only two copies of this chart are listed in OCLC World Cat, both at Harvard.

From Koeman's biography of Johanne's Loots (1665[6] - 1726) we know Loots was born in Amsterdam and is not as is sometimes believed one of the two sons of Anthonie (Theunisz) Jacobsz who named themselves Lootsman to confuse cartographic researchers in future centuries. Loots served an apprenticeship under Hendrick Doncker as a maker of mathematical and nautical instruments including cross-staffs. Loots was accepted into the Guild of Booksellers in 1693 and settled into a shop in the Nieuebrugsteeg 'In de Jong Lootsman'.

Title reads: " Tot Amsterdam by Ionnes Loots Boek Zeekard Verkooper en Graadboog Maker inde Nieuwe brugsteed Ionge Lootsman."

CREATOR: Loots, Johannes



BODY OF WATER: Bay of Gibraltar

CONDITION: Fair.  Margins are short and are missing in a few places where cut to the neatline. Minor repairs from verso. Archival tape repair at bottom centerfold. Slightly grubby.

COLORING: Original hand-coloring.

ENGRAVER: Claas de Vries ?

SIZE: 24 " x 20 "




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