Woodruff, James G.

The Woodruff Scientific Expedition that Never Was

Final Announcement of the Woodruff Scientific Expedition Around the World starting October 1877 and Returning October 1879 giving plan of organization, management, faculty, financials, details, route and approximate dates and stoppages, description of vessel, equipment, and character of command, map of route, letters of approval, cadet class and other information necessary for a full understanding of this enterprise.

DESCRIPTION: First edition prospectus, the "Final Announcement" of the failed Woodruff Scientific Expedition Around the World (with map of the intended route), originally planned for 1877-1879. Two hundred paying students at $2,500 each were needed to fund the study-abroad adventure but subscriptions fell far short of the expedition's needs and the project failed. Woodruff abandoned the expedition project in May 1878 and died shortly thereafter. Despite efforts to revive the expedition for 1880-1882, it again failed to move forward.

The statement below from the brochure thoroughly document it's content:
Final Announcement of the Woodruff Scientific Expedition Around the World starting October 1877 and Returning October 1879 giving plan of organization, management, faculty, financials, details, route and approximate dates and stoppages, description of vessel, equipment, and character of command, map of route, letters of approval, cadet class and other information necessary for a full understanding of this enterprise.

Includes two separate insert sheets:
  • A note (5"x7") from the Secretary of the Navy R.W. Thompson three months before the planned departure. Thompson gave faint, hedged support for the expedition: " … if it shall prove successful ..." and "… there is at this time a fair prospect of this result."
  • A 2 page sheet (9"x12") issued from the St. Nicolas Hotel in New York City with a composite-woodblock engraving of the Woodruff Expedition Steamship "Ontario." Verso with a title and an expedition summary.
Printed at Riverside Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1877.

CREATOR: Woodruff, James G.




CONDITION: Good.  Map very clean with little wear on the folds. No issues. Interior clean. Tight. Simple paper wraps age-toned.



SIZE: 5 " x 9 "


PRICE: $200


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