DESCRIPTION: A visually captivating and informative original antique 19th-century nautical reference chart of the English Channel with visible extent of lighthouses shown graphically. Uncommon. The few similar items that come to mind are Hardinge's 1874 "British Lighthouse Chart of General Coast Lights", and "A Chart Exhibiting the Light Houses and Light Vessels of the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland" issued by the Corporation of the Trinity House, 1863.
This antique original, rolled, linen-backed chart, based on data from Lieutenant H.C. Lockyer in 1899, was published by Edward Stanford from Stanford's Geographical Establishment in London on March 1, 1900. Stanford's, established in 1853, remains in business today, now at 7 Mercer Walk in Covent Garden.
Coverage includes relevant portions of the coast of Ireland, Wales, England, and France, with Cornwall near chart center.
Scarce, especially in fine condition as this example. Only one institutional holding in WorldCat.
Contains drawings of the uniform system of buoyage: starboard-hand buoys, port-hand buoys, middle ground buoys; pillar, spar, and gas buoys; and wreck-marking vessels. Of great visual interest are the dozens of lighthouses identified on the chart with the range, frequency, duration, and color of each light provided for navigators. The chart is filled with tide tables, general information, soundings and distances and sailing directions for numerous ports. Topographical detail useful to navigators is shown for coastal locations and for those inland locations where the height of a feature warranted inclusion, e.g. Brecknock Mountain, Wales at 2862 ft. elevation.
BODY OF WATER: English Channel
CONDITION: Excellent.
 Laid to linen. Extraordinarily clean and bright without notable condition issues. No folds.
SIZE: 42
" x
24 "
PRICE: $2575