DESCRIPTION: Singular rare nautical chart of the Azores Islands (Vlaemsche = Flemish) by Dutch cartographer Johannes Loots, ca 1700. Pascaerte vande Vlaemsche Eylanden is not recorded in Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici. No record of another copy of this chart is found online or in cartograhic reference sources. Charts by Johannes Loots are very scarce; only eight charts by Loots are recorded in the Antique Map Price Record covering 210,000 map and chart sales in the last 35 years.
Scrollwork title cartouche with putto and horses led by robed young men and topped with an armillary sphere on a pedestal.
The topography of the Azores islands closely resembles that on an an earlier chart with the same title produced by Arnold Colom but differences in the rhumb lines, cartouches, lattitude marks, compass roses and decorations strongly suggest that this chart was printed from a new plate engraved for Loots.
From Koeman's biography of Johanne's Loots (1665[6] - 1726) we know Loots was born in Amsterdam and is not as is sometimes believed one of the two sons of Anthonie (Theunisz) Jacobsz who named themselves Lootsman to confuse cartographic researchers in future centuries. Loots served an apprenticeship under Hendrick Doncker as a maker of mathematical and nautical instruments including cross-staffs. Loots was accepted into the Guild of Booksellers in 1693 and settled into a shop in the Nieuebrugsteeg 'In de Jong Lootsman'. Two well-known competing catographers lived on the same street- Johannes van Keulen and Hendrick Doncker.
BODY OF WATER: Atlantic Ocean
 Short margins with repaired marginal tears. Some reinforcement at margins. Age-toned especially noticeable at the margins. A few small wormholes near bottom centerfold repaired archivally from the verso.
SIZE: 20
" x
16 "
PRICE: $2500