DESCRIPTION: Previously unrecorded nautical chart of the entire world by Dutch cartographer Johannes Loots. Not recorded in Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici. Not found online. Not in AMPR.
Likely the only Dutch late Golden-Age unrecorded world nautical chart to surface in the 21st century. Differs from other sea charts of the period in that Loots places van Diemen's Land much farther east (13 degrees) than the others (Robijn, Roggeveen, Goos, Morden, Keulen, Wit, Doncker, Moxon, Halley) all of whom tend to place van Diemen's Land at the longitude of the west coast of the Cape York Peninsula (de Fer an exception). One possible explanation for the mis-alignment is that Hendrik Doncker never included van Diemen's Land on his charts, and as Doncker's apprentice, Loots was never required to deal with that area.
Covers the entire world. Loot's newly-discovered chart with title cartouche in four languages (1) Is the only known example of any world chart by Loots. (2) Is of a unique design found in no other world chart. (3) Includes tracks of explorers in the southern passage up to 1708, include le Maire, Schouten, Halley and "Vaisseau St. Louis, 1708" the last, just one year after Loots disolved a partnership with Antoni de Winter and Claas de Vries. (4) Is on Mercator's projection. (5) Shows the “Terre Austral du St. Espirit”.
From Koeman's biography of Johanne's Loots (1665[6]-1726) we know Loots was born in Amsterdam and is not as is sometimes believed one of the two sons of Anthonie (Theunisz) Jacobsz who named themselves Lootsman to confuse cartographic researchers in future centuries. Loots served an apprenticeship under Hendrick Doncker .
Contact for price.
 Significant age-toning. Numerous repaired abrasions with minor losses and minor ink erosion. After professional conservation this rare Dutch artifact was laid archivally to Japanese paper. Traces of original color.
COLORING: Traces of original color.
ENGRAVER: I. Van Thiel
SIZE: 40
" x
25 "
PRICE: $95000