DESCRIPTION: Rare, rolled, separately issued antique nautical chart ( 1864 ed. ) of the western coast of California focused on the Pacific coastline between the Umpquah River, Oregon north to the Canadian border. Noted with several habitations including Seattle, Astoria, and Olympia, Washington; Victoria, British Columbia; and Fort Langley. Many of the San Juan Islands are identified by name including Vancouver Island, San Juan, Lopez, Fidalgo, and Guemes Island.
This antique sea chart is enlivened with eight attractive engraved inset coastal profile views including: the Entrance to Columbia River / Cape Disappointment, Tatoosh Island, Flattery Rocks, Destruction Island, Tillamook Head, Cape Perpetua, and Cape Lookout.
The chart was first produced by the U.S. Coast Survey in 1855, a point in time when A.D. Bache was Superintendent.
This is a scarce, separately issued, rolled nautical chart of the area, not the more common folded version on thin paper that was issued with other charts in an annual report to Congress from the Coast Survey.
This chart was printed in 1864 from an electrotype copy of the original hand-engraved copper plate, a process the U.S. Coast Survey adopted around 1850. As a soft medium, copper plates could only withstand print runs of perhaps 200 copies before the plates wore down. To enable larger print runs, a mold of the original plate was created in wax or another soft medium. Then, using an electro-chemical process ( electrotyping ), the mold was coated with a metal layer, typically copper. Printers were then able to produce output from the new electrotype copper copy, while preserving the original. Electrotype copy no. 6, corrected to 1864." Scale 1 / 1,200,000.
BODY OF WATER: Pacific Ocean
 Rolled, with no folds, on strong medium weight paper with no tears, stains or other issues. Platemark evident.
COLORING: Black print; no coloring.
ENGRAVER: McCoy, Throop, and Knight
SIZE: 22
" x
23 "
PRICE: $475