ALL ITEMS: 'Coconut-Grove-Citizen-s-Committee

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
5179Map of the Re-zoning Plan for Coconut Grove Colored TownDetailsCoconut Grove Citizen's Committee1949
Broadside with map of the Re-zoning Plan for Coconut Grove Florida Colored Town
Coconut Grove Citizen's Committee
$0.00Coconut-Grove-Citizen-s-CommitteeBroadside-with-map-of-the-Re-zoning-Plan-for-Coconut-Grove-Florida-Colored-TownSOLD<br></br> <br></br> <div style="text-align: center;font-size:140%;"> Citizens Take Initiative for First Time in Miami's History </div> <br> Broadside (10" x 16") by the Coconut Grove Citizens' Committee for Slum Clearance, Inc. Includes a map of the "Re-zoning Plan Coconut Grove Colored Town" a neighborhood in Miami, Florida. With an <b>article by Marjorie Stoneman Douglas</b> reviewing the history of a Coconut Grove slum ("colored town") from over-development and the efforts to enact a zoning plan that the Committee believed would benefit the community rather than solely benefit developers. Published Feb 24, 1949.