| Thumbnail | | Creator | Date | Title / Author / Date / Location | Price | | | Description |
926 |  | Details | Bordone, Benedetto | 1534 |
Early printed map of South America with Hispaniola and Jamaica |
Bordone, Benedetto |
1534 |
LOC:5 |
| $800.00 | Bordone--Benedetto | Early-printed-map-of-South-America-with-Hispaniola-and-Jamaica | One of the earliest printed maps and the first obtainable map of the <b>South American continent</b>. South America is not recognizable as such but it closely compares to Rosselli's world map of 1508 from which Bordonne derived the shape.
Includes the Caribbean islands of <b>Jamaica</b> ("Iamaiqua") and <b>Hispaniola</b> ("Spagnola"). Within the truncated area of South America, Bordonne names four major regions which he discussed in the text: "Chanchite", (in the vicinity of present-day Colombia), "Cuztana", "Maziatombal" (associated with the Amazon River), and "Paria" (which may be related to the eastern portion of Venezuela).
This scarce antique map was published from Venice in 1534, just 42 years after Christopher Columbus first landed in the New World. From the second edition of Benedetto di Bordone's "Isolario di Benedetto Bordone Nel qual si ragiona di tutte l'Isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, favole, & modi del loro vivere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giaciono. Con la gionta del Monte del Oro novamente ritrovato". The Isolario provided nautical-chart inspired maps of islands alongside information for travellers on their culture, myths, climate, and history. Bordonne depicts the interior of the island as mountainous with numerous rivers flowing to the sea.
Bordone (1460-1531) was a Paduan cartographer, and an illustrator of manuscripts, best known for his 'Isolario' or book of islands. Bordone's work was only the second isolario ever printed, the first being that of Bartolommeo Dalli Sonneti published in 1485. Text on verso in Italian. |
3673 |  | Details | Moll, Herman | 1720 |
Antique Chart of the west coat of Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru |
Moll, Herman |
1720 |
LOC:77 |
| $250.00 | Moll--Herman | Antique-Chart-of-the-west-coat-of-Panama--Colombia--Ecuador--and-Peru | Compact antique chart of the west coast of Panama, Colombia, Equator, and Peru by Herman Moll |
864 |  | Details | Bellin, Jacques Nicolas | 1753 |
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Meridional |
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas |
1753 |
LOC:51 |
| $555.00 | Bellin--Jacques-Nicolas | Carte-Reduite-de-l-Ocean-Meridional | Antique French nautical chart of the southern Atlantic Ocean with most of the South American continent and southwest Africa. Features the full extent of the Amazon River, likely based on the exploration by French explorer Charles Marie de La Condamine. Condamine led the first scientific exploration of the Amazon River in 1743, publishing his results with a map of the Amazon in the memoirs of the French Académie des Sciences in 1745. Large decorative title cartouche dedicates the chart to M. Rouille, Minister and Sceretary of State to the French Department de Marine.
The Falkland Islands, off the east coast of Patagonia, are described as "Isle Nouvelles". In this chart East and West Falkland Islands are conjoined and the far west coastline is not defined. This reflects the fact that the island group was not discovered until 1690 and the town of Port Louis was not settled until Louis de Bougainville established it as the first French settlement on the island in 1764.
Published by Bellin with the title of "Ingeneur de la Marine" from Paris at "Rue de Doyenne pre la Rue St. Thomas du Louvre". At that time although Bellin had a relationship with the French Depot de la Marine he also published charts privately under his own name. |
1428 |  | Details | Bonne, Rigobert | 1787 |
Antique map of northern South America |
Bonne, Rigobert |
1787 |
LOC:50 |
| $99.00 | Bonne--Rigobert | Antique-map-of-northern-South-America | Fine hand-colored antique map of northern South America with portions of Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Chile and neighboring countries to the south. Includes the Amazon River basin. By R. Bonne a cartographer and hydrographer who produced maps of both land and sea, although his work leaned more toward the sea for reasons expressed below. Number 31.
Rigobert Bonne (1727-1794) was the successor to Jacques Nicolas Bellin as Royal Cartographer to France in the office of the Hydrographer at the Depôt de la Marine. Bonne first came to prominence when he published a number of charts in the Atlas Maritime in 1762, but Bonne is better known for later publications, including the Atlas Encyclopedique, which he collaborated on with Nicholas Desmarest, as well as the maps he produced for Raynal's Atlas de Toutes Les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre. Published in Paris in 1787.
This site offers several charts from Bonne's miniature nautical atlas "Atlas maritime ou Cartes réduites de toutes les Côtes de France ..." The 12 small charts of coastal France in the Atlas Maritime are considered to be among the very few miniature nautical charts published during the golden age of miniature maps. |
961 |  | Details | Malham, John | 1797 |
A Correct Chart of the Coasts of South America |
Malham, John |
1797 |
LOC:5 |
| $195.00 | Malham--John | A-Correct-Chart-of-the-Coasts-of-South-America | Antique engraved nautical chart of South America below the Equator from the rare first American edition of <b>Malham's Naval Gazetteer</b>, published by Spotswood and Nancrede in Boston in 1797. Early U.S. colonial nautical chart engravings are scarce. This small chart incorrectly shows Tierra del Fuego as a solid land mass rather than as an archipelago. The area we today know as Argentina is labeled '<b>Patagonia</b>', and the size of the Plate River "Rio de la Plata" is vastly overestimated with its westward extent shown reaching across half the width of the continent. Key cites noted include: Quito, Lima, Buenos Aires, and Sao Paulo.
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At extreme upper left of chart the Galapagos Islands are shown, where the largest of the archipelago, Isabella, is designated as 'Albemarle Island' as it was known to the British of that period.
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This chart comes from an early nautical gazetteer or geographical dictionary produced first in England and after 1796 in the United States by John Malham. Rev. John Malham was a prolific Yorkshire-born author who produced other diverse works that include "Navigation Made Easy and Familiar", "Twenty-Two Sermons on Doctrinal and Practical Subjects" and "The Scarcity of Wheat considered". Malham died near London in 1807. (Gentleman's Magazine, Vol 102, 1807, p. 568).
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Colophon at end of Volume 1 states that the work is "From the prefs of Samuel Etheridge, No. 9 Newbury Street, Boston, 1797"). |
1477 |  | Details | Wilson, Charles | 1866 |
Blueback Chart of the East Coast of England Dungeness to Newcastle |
Wilson, Charles |
1866 |
LOC:0 |
| $900.00 | Wilson--Charles | Blueback-Chart-of-the-East-Coast-of-England-Dungeness-to-Newcastle | Eight feet long. Ninety-three inches of blueback sea chart covering the English east coast. Four sheets joined. Highlights of this huge blueback chart include dozens of yellow dots highlighting the lighthouses and the inset drawings of lighthouses and other navigational aids. More than one dozen inset port plans and river entrances, large scale. You need this in your man cave!
<BR> </BR>
With blue paper backing as issued. During the 1800's there was a trend toward publication of very large small-scale charts with large-scale insets of key passages and harbors. This made it possible for mariners to replace perhaps a half-dozen or more charts with just one. The practice was adopted as much for economics as any other reason. Charles Wilson (as the successor to Norie and Company) was one of a handful of British publishers who specialized in these charts which were often backed with canvas or linen cloth or heavy blue paper in order to help them withstand the frequent use and abuse aboard ship, hence the term "blueback chart".
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Published by: "Charles Wilson (Late J.W. Norrie and Wilson) at the Navigation Warehouse and Naval Academy, 157 Leadenhall Street." London.
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522 |  | Details | Wilson, Charles | 1877 |
Blueback Chart of the East and West Coasts of South America |
Wilson, Charles |
1877 |
LOC:1409 |
| $3,500.00 | Wilson--Charles | Blueback-Chart-of-the-East-and-West-Coasts-of-South-America | Very impressive, enormous, antique blueback sea chart of South America and west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. We are unaware of any other copy of this chart. Strikingly large (6 ' +) and in excellent condition for 140+ years age. Oriented with North to the right. Drawn by J.S. Hobbs, F.R.G.S. Hydrographer. Insets of 'Magalhaen' Strait, Berkeley Sound and Stanley Harbor, Port of Valdivia, Rio Negro, Cumberland Bay, Port San Carlos, and Concepcion Bay. Numerous inset coastal profile views.
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Notable points of interest include Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Falkland Islands (Span. Islas Malvinas), Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Port Belgrano, Port Vallego, South Shetland Islands, and Graham Land (the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula named after Sir James R. G. Graham, First Lord of the Admiralty at the time of John Biscoe's exploration in 1832).
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With blue paper backing as issued. During the 1800's there was a trend toward publication of very large small-scale charts with large-scale insets of key passages and harbors. This made it possible for mariners to replace perhaps a half-dozen or more charts with just one. The practice was adopted as much for economics as any other reason. Charles Wilson (as the successor to Norie and Company) was one of a handful of British publishers who specialized in these charts which were often backed with canvas or linen cloth or heavy blue paper in order to help them withstand the frequent use and abuse aboard ship, hence the term "blueback chart".
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Published by: "Charles Wilson (Late J.W. Norrie and Wilson) at the Navigation Warehouse and Naval Academy, 157 Leadenhall Street." London.
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Seller's original red label reads: "River Plate to Valparaiso, including South Shetland Islands. C. Wilson (late Norie and Wilson), 157 Leadenhall St. London, E.C. Price 12 S, 0d." |