ALL ITEMS: 'Newspaper-Art-League

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6572Map of La Verne Subd. Mill Valley, Marin, California.DetailsNewspaper Art League1915
Marin County California Pictorial Cadastral Map of La Verne Heights Subdivision
Newspaper Art League
$0.00Newspaper-Art-LeagueMarin-County-California-Pictorial-Cadastral-Map-of-La-Verne-Heights-SubdivisionSOLD <br><br> Rare cadastral map of La Verne Heights, a newly platted subdivision in Marin County, California circa 1915. Only two other copies of this scarce cadastral map are known, both at institutions. No sales of the map are recorded. <br><br> J. W. Wright & Co of San Francisco were the exclusive agents for the land. Bears the attribution and the logo of the Newspaper Art League. <br><br> At top of the plan is a depiction of the Park Avenue Station and the lines for a "Fast Electric Train" of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad (NWP) that claimed a one way commute of "15 minus to Sausalito" and "1/2 hour to San Francisco. The NWP operated a network of electric rail lines in Marin County from 1903 to 1941. <br><br> At upper left is an inset view of Mt. Tamalpais from Laverne Heights. Inset of Marin County High School, actually Tamalpais High School with an optimistic note: "12 minutes.. walk to Marin County High School." <br><br> Homes are depicted of some prominent existing families who lived nearby including: Captain Robinson, Dr. Allen, the Armstrong Home, the Isted and the Stolte residences, the Dobbs, Wises, Gruenhagens, and Lillian Ferguson. Ferguson was a reporter on the San Francisco Examiner, later she edited paper's Sunday edition. <br><br> The developer included lot dimensions, square footage, and lot number. <br><br> (1) Online. December 2022.