ALL ITEMS: 'Ocean-Steamship-Company-of-Savannah

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
1130Antique trade card the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, GA.DetailsOcean Steamship Company of Savannah1886
Antique Trade Card for the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah Georgia
Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah
$270.00Ocean-Steamship-Company-of-SavannahAntique-Trade-Card-for-the-Ocean-Steamship-Company-of-Savannah-GeorgiaRare trade card for the <b>Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah</b>. This antique trade card records the names of steamships and their sailing dates for this Savannah, Georgia based shipping company. <br></br> The Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah was founded in 1872 with passenger and cargo service between the cotton export port of Savannah, Georgia and the northern export ports of New York and Boston. This company was a subsidiary of the Central of Georgia Railway and was integral in moving cotton from Georgia and Alabama to New York and Boston, Massachusetts over the next seventy years. <br></br> Steamships listed on the card include: <div class="indenttextblock"> <ul style="list-style-type: circle;"> <li>City of Augusta</li> <li>Chattahoochee></li> <li>Tallahassee></li> <li>City of Savannah></li> </ul> </div> Sailing dates listed on the back of the card are for routes from New York to Savannah, GA. during November 1886.