ALL ITEMS: 'Yacht-Racing-Assn--of-Massachusetts

 Thumbnail CreatorDateTitle / Author / Date / LocationPrice  Description
477Yacht Racing Association of Massachusetts racing rules and mapDetailsYacht Racing Assn. of Massachusetts1898
Racing Rules and Chart
Yacht Racing Assn. of Massachusetts
$0.00Yacht-Racing-Assn--of-MassachusettsRacing-Rules-and-ChartSOLD<br></br> Small hard-back book and map published by the Yacht Racing Association of Massachusetts (YRAM) in 1898. Contains association by-laws and racing rules for yachts 35 feet and under along with plates of YRAM burgees, schedules of races, many photographs of club yachts, and dozens of nautical-related advertisements. 134 pages.<BR> </BR> Attached at back of the book is a folded nautical chart of Boston Harbor in near-mint condition measuring 11" W x 12" H published by S. Thaxter and Son, 125 State Street, Boston. Coverage includes Boston, north to Nahant and south to Hingham. Numerous soundings and navigational aids would have made this a useful chart for the local yachtsman. Map is on medium weight stock, with no flaws whatsoever. Nice!