ALL ITEMS: 'Red-Mountain-Tribe

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67121970s leftist broadside for terroristic events.DetailsRed Mountain Tribe1970
Terrorism 1970's style
Red Mountain Tribe
$200.00Red-Mountain-TribeTerrorism-1970-s-styleThis is a title page to a 1970 issue of the Berkely Tribe newspaper- an anthropomorphized earth scowling with locations noted across his face that were the scene of left-inspired bombings, fire bombings, pipeline attacks, the odd embassy siege, and riots. Published in 1970, during the Vietnam war by the Red Mountain Tribe (1) with parallels to the tensions experienced today by the other side of the aisle. <br><br> The use of symbols as propaganda was a common tactic among activists during this time, and the Earth was a particularly powerful symbol of the counterculture's environmentalism and concern for the planet. By depicting the Earth as an old man with a scowl, the artist was likely attempting to convey a sense of anger and frustration at the destruction caused by the war and other government policies. The Earth's face being marked with locations that were the scene of attacks further reinforced the counterculture's proposition that the US government was engaging in destructive and unjust actions. <br><br> <div id="0" align="center"> <a title="Berkeley Tribe 1970"></a> <img id="3" src="/ZoomifyImages/SC_6712/SC_6712_detail.jpg" alt="Anthropomorphized view of earth scowling with locations noted across his face that were the scene of left-inspired terror attacks." width="340"/> <br><small>... What's the world coming to?</small> </div><br> Berkely Tribe. 1970. Vol. 2 No. 8 Issue 34. Feb. 27 - Mar.6, 1970. <br><br>